PVS Applauds State’s Commitment to Manage 30 Percent of Hawaii’s Ocean by 2030


Polynesian Voyaging Society (PVS) and Promise to PaeʻĀina partners (P2P) are celebrating Governor David Ige’s announcement today that the State is committed to effectively managing 30 percent of Hawai‘i’s nearshore waters by 2030 in the main Hawaiian Islands. Announced at the opening ceremony of the IUCN World Conservation Congress, this 30 by 30 marine goal is a milestone event for P2P, a Mālama Honua Worldwide Voyage-inspired collaboration of partners with a collective commitment to ensure Hawai‘i is a better place when Hōkūle‘a returns than when she left in 2014.

In his speech today, Governor Ige said “Our reefs provide habitat for spectacular marine life, and feed us. That’s why I’m committed to effectively managing 30% of our nearshore ocean waters by 2030.”

Multiple sources of scientific research suggest that the health and function of at least 30 percent of nearshore reef areas are necessary to sustain the productivity of reef regions like those in the main Hawaiian Islands. 30 by 30 provides an overarching target that builds on the State’s current efforts to improve the capacity and coverage of enforcement, support community-based marine management, develop a plan to address coral bleaching, and strengthen statewide regulations, monitoring, enforcement, and other adaptive management measures. Effective management will be measured by a broadly agreed-upon set of biological parameters for “healthy” reef systems developed by scientific expertise, traditional knowledge, and user input. The plan for this effort is to be an open, inclusive process balancing fisher and other ocean user interests with the State’s restoration and conservation needs.

“Initiatives such as 30 by 30 are essential for our sail plan to a sustainable future. To protect life on earth, we have to protect the ocean waters,” said Nainoa Thompson, president, Polynesian Voyaging Society. “The impact made by the collective efforts of our partners is a testament to how the community can come together to create change that will benefit our children and our future,” he added.

The 30 by 30 commitment was developed through a collaborative effort of conservation organizations, marine resource management groups, community members and government agencies brought together by Promise to PaeʻĀina o Hawaiʻi (P2P), a collective impact initiative inspired by the Mālama Honua Worldwide Voyage. As Hōkūleʻa sails the Worldwide Voyage (WWV) sharing her message to mālama honua, to care for Island Earth, P2P’s primary focus is to compel the ocean management community to acknowledge that the issues facing the environment are shared problems that need shared solutions. The group came together and penned the Promise to the PaeʻĀina declaration (http://www.hokulea.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Promise-to-Paeaina.pdf) document on April 23, 2014.

“We support community-based, adaptive management based on science” said Kitty M. Simonds, executive director of the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council.   “We encourage efforts for consistent management in State and federal jurisdictions and a definition of ‘effectively managed’ that is goal oriented and adaptive and includes adequate levels of outreach, enforcement, monitoring and community participation.” – Kitty Simonds, Executive Director, Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council
“As an island state, Hawaiʻi is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change threats, including increased storms, coral bleaching as well as local impacts that place our reefs at risk,” noted Dr. Jack Kittinger, Director of Conservation International’s Hawaiʻi program. “CI is grateful to the Governor for committing to protect our natural environment so that it can continue to benefit our communities now and into the future.” – Jack Kittinger, Senior Director, Hawai‘i program, Conservation International | Center for Oceans
“Hawaiiʻs nearshore ocean deeply connects our island ʻohana. Without healthy nearshore resources, we would be lost. Effectively managing more of our coastal resources will allow our ecosystems and our inter-connected communities to thrive in Hawaii” – Denise Antolini, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, William S. Richardson School of Law
“Healthy, sustainable forests contribute to healthy ocean ecosystems,” said Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell. We are excited to continue to work with Island partners to ensure the health and resiliency of Hawaii ‘ s environment for future generations.” – Tom Tidwell, Chief of the US Forest Service.
“The people of Hawai‘i managed our reefs and nearshore fisheries for generations to ensure they could sustain a healthy and thriving population in our remote island home. The Nature Conservancy applauds Governor Ige’s commitment to continuing this legacy by effectively managing 30% of State waters by 2030. His recent support of community-based marine management in partnership with the communities of Hāʻena on Kauaʻi and Kaʻūpūlehu in West Hawai‘i is a testament to his commitment to ensuring our oceans remain healthy and abundant for generations to come.” – Ulalia Woodside, Executive Director, The Nature Conservancy, Hawai‘i Program
“Hawaii continues to demonstrate leadership on the critical isues that face all of us. We commend the Governor and those involved for taking this step.” – Kate Brown, Executive Director, GLISPA
808 Cleanups is honored to be a part of this tremendous alliance of action takers to create effective management for our nearshore ocean. From day one, we have empowered community members throughout the islands to take positive action for making a cleaner, safer and stronger Hawaiʻi from mauka to makai. We look forward to working together with this full spectrum of fellow leaders to restore and protect the ocean for generations to come.” – Michael Loftin, Executive Director, 808 Cleanups
“We celebrate the commitment and dedication of Polynesian Voyaging Society and the Hōkūleʻa crews to Mālama Honua and pledge to do our part to Mālama Honua in Maunalua Bay.H. Mitchell D’Olier, Chair, Mālama Maunalua
“E holomua kākou, we at Kamehameha Schools support this critical effort to work together in protecting and restoring our precious Hawaiian oceans”. – Shawn Kanaiaupuni, Director of Public Education Support at Kamehameha Schools
“This accomplishment reflects what’s possible when diverse groups share a common goal. It’s a terrific example of acting locally to change the globe. Pacific Resources for Education and Learning (PREL) is proud to support this important initiative.” – Nicole Forrester, Executive Director, PREL
“In addition to being home to marine species and ecosystems found nowhere else in the world, Hawaiʻi’s oceans are an important source of food, recreation, learning, and cultural practice. Kōkua Hawaiʻi Foundation supports this goal as a critical step toward our communities being better stewards of our nearshore waters. Community-based subsistence management and marine protected areas across Hawaiʻi will be the foundations for achieving Hawaiʻi’s ocean stewardship goals. More support from the State and local governments will be important for moving these efforts forward.” – Jack & Kim Johnson, Kōkua Hawaiʻi Foundation
“On behalf of Liquid Robotics, I applaud and wish to thank Governor Ige for his leadership in establishing this significant conservation goal,” said Gary Gysin, President and CEO, Liquid Robotics. “As a Company committed to Mālama Honua, we look forward to using our sustainable technologies to help manage and protect our ocean for generations to come.” – Gary Gysin, President and CEO, Liquid Robotics



For the P2P press release of this story, click here: http://www.hokulea.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/P2P-30×30-Marine-Goal-Release-with-Partner-Quotes.pdf

Governor Ige’s speech at the IUCN World Conservation Congress can be accessed by clicking the following link: http://governor.hawaii.gov/main/governor-david-iges-remarks-at-the-iucn-world-conservation-congress/


30x30-effective-marine-managementTo view the World Conservation Congress Legacy Commitment: “Hawai‘i 30 by 30 Oceans Target” visit the following link: