Hikianalia Update | Aug 28-29, 2018: Happy Birthday Kimo!

Hikianalia Update by Hye Jung Kim

Aug 28 Update: Stuck in the Clouds

We are still in the clouds! There is barely any wind, but when there is, it is coming from the north. So we believe that we have gone east, but we have not had any markers to check our heading during the 6 a.m. – 10 a.m. watch. We headed toward the star house La Malanai course over water at 2 knots.

During our 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. watch, the sun popped out and we able to confirm our eastern heading. We continued to have light winds so we ran the motors  to head along slowly. We finally got some sun throughout this watch and many crewmembers took the opportunity to shower in the added warmth. Keep in mind that we use ocean water to bathe while at sail – the water at this latitude is really cold and we all had a hard time with the cold water, but we were happy that we got clean! We went Lā Koʻolau course over water at 0-3 knots during this watch.

During our 2 p.m. – 6 p.m. watch, we held Lā Malanai course over water at an average of 4 knots. We relied heavily on the La malanai swells until we had the sun again.

All of our crew members are in good spirits and we typically spend most of our time laughing and sharing stories. We have so much snacks from everybody back home have maybe been snacking a bit much.

Aug 29 Update: Happy Birthday Uncle Kimo Lyman!

Today is ʻAnakala Kimo’s birthday! We celebratedwith cake that ʻAnakala Gary made. He made lemon cake and carrot cake and Lehua and Keli spent time decorating it. We had an amazing meal and are getting ready for the evening watches.

Since yesterday’s sunset, our 6 p.m. – 10 p.m. watch saw the stars Hōkūpaʻa (the North Star) and Na Hiku so they used it to check our headings. Then the sky closed up once again and we used the swells to check our heading. We sailed in the direction of the star house Lā Koʻolau at 5 knots speed.

Our 10 p.m. – 2 a.m. watch held star house ʻĀina Koʻolau at an average of 6 knots. We relied heavily on the swells and the wind since there was only a few minutes of the moon and the stars.

Our 2 a.m. – 6 a.m. watch also relied heavily on the swells and the wind since there were no markers present. It was a challenging set of watches to steer the waʻa, but we all made it through our watches ok. We were averaging 6 knots and heading La Koʻolau.

Our 6 a.m. – 10 a.m. watch steered using the swells as we were again socked in by clouds and could not see the sunrise nor the general area of the sun all throughout our watch. We had good wind so we were making pretty fast speeds averaging at 6 knots. Our watch held star house ʻAina Mmalanai course over water.

Our 10 a.m – 2 p.m. watch held ʻAina Koʻolau and averaged 7.5 knots. We used the swells, winds, and the sun during this watch.

Our 2 p.m. – 6 p.m. watch held the house of Lā Malanai and averaged a healthy 9 knots. There were consistent squalls coming through and they boosted our speed higher than average.

SB 72,
Hye Jung

“Hikianalia was built by the Okeanos Foundation”

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