Crew Blog: Lehua Kamalu – May 30, 2013

WWV Blog

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Lehua Kamalu

Hikianalia Crew

S. Maui to Mahukona

First sight this morning was rounding the SE coast of Maui on approach to ‘Alenuihaha Channel, dividing the islands of Maui and Hawai‘i.  I highly anticipated this notorious channel-crossing after hearing years of stories testifying to the power of its unrelenting wind and waves.  The strategy was to use the light of dawn to guide us through the calm morning conditions.  Our escort vessel, Ho‘okela, and its hardy crew are our main concern as there is no match to a double-hulled wa’a in these waters.   The early calm weather soon warmed up into strong winds and intense waves.  Ho‘okela plowed quickly ahead, zig-zagging across the stacking swells while Hikianalia set a straight course on a solid port tack.  Averaging 12 knots, HIkianalia offered us the challenge of trimming and steering in heavier conditions than our average sails off O‘ahu.  Despite the exhausting hauling, lifting, hoisting, carrying, holding on, and steering straight, the most difficult task of the day was simply opening cans for the delicious salmon patties that our cook Nakua prepared for dinner.  Painstakingly prying open each can with a screwdriver and a huki stick presented a great opportunity to bond with fellow crew, share laughs, and get salmon juice all over the deck.