Canoe to Classroom exchanges continue and deepen

Throughout the Worldwide Voyage, Hōkūle‘a crewmembers have connected with students back in Hawaii through live, video conversations with classrooms across the state in a program called Canoe to Classroom.

At Kamehameha Schools, these conversations started with basic questions to the crew such as “How do you use the toilet on the wa‘a?” More recently, kumu (teachers) have developed ways for the conversations for older students to delve deeper and connect the voyage to their middle and high school curriculum such as World History and Biology. On Leg 24, sailing from New York to Virginia, Hōkūle‘a crewmembers fielded thoughtful student questions on topics such as leadership traits and community values.

Read more about the engaging questions posed and discussions resulting through the unique opportunity to connect wa‘a to papa (classroom) in Kamehemeha School’s ‘Wa‘a Wednesday’ article.

Help fund the Voyage as we sail the East Coast

Hōkūle‘a’s visit to the eastern United States is a historic milestone in her 40 years of voyaging.

Celebrate with us by pledging your support to the Mālama Honua Worldwide Voyage.

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