Have you ever wondered how the sailors of Hōkūleʻa cook their food? In this special episode of Cooking Hawaiian Style, host Lanai Tabura learns how veteran crew member and top chef, Gary Yuen, prepares his meals aboard the waʻa. Join us on Hikianalia, the sister canoe to Hōkūleʻa, and witness what it takes for the brave men and women of the Worldwide Voyage to simply eat upon the open ocean.
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This episode is in collaboration between OC16 and ʻŌiwi TV, offering our viewers an in-depth look into cooking Hawaiian style and Hawaiian style voyaging. During the show, Gary shares several stories of his time at sea, during his sail down to Rapa Nui in the 90’s, as well as more recent voyages, like his latest across the treacherous Indian Ocean. Gary also talks about the cook’s role and how a hot plate can lift the crew’s spirits.
We at ʻŌiwi TV and the Polynesian Voyaging Society would like to send a special mahalo to all the contributors of this excellent and insightful episode, especially Lanai Tabura, Gary Yuen, and of course OC16. For more episodes of Cooking Hawaiian Style log on to cookinghawaiianstyle.com and for more information on the Mālama Honua Worldwide Voyage, visit Hokulea.com. Aloha!
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