Crew Blog | Kālepa Baybayan: Aloha to Leg 22


I would like to take this opportunity to thank all members of Legs 22; we made it to our final destination safely, withouth mishap, and everyones health intact. Part 1 of Leg 22 took us from Mt. Desert Island to Yarmouth in Nova Scotia, Canada.

Leg 22, Part 1: Maine to Nova Scotia
Nainoa Thompson, Captain
Kālepa Baybayan
Keala Kimura
Lehua Kamalu
Jenna Ishii
Tamiko Fernillius
Zane Havens
Niko Powell
Kaʻai McAfee-Torco
Nāʻālehu Anthony
Rick Kilbride, Escort Boat Captain

It was a busy sail getting Hōkūleʻa back to New Jersey from Maine for the crew of Part 2 of Leg 22, having to time safe weather windows for transiting the Northeastern seaboard. We made stops in Boothbay, Maine; Salem and Cape Cod, Massachusetts; Newport, Rhode Island; Oyster Bay, New York; with final arrival at Newport Marina, Jersey City, New Jersey.

Leg 22, Part 2: Maine to New Jersey
Kālepa Baybayn, Captain
Keala Kimura, Escort Boat Captain
Art Harris, Navigator and Pilot
Nāʻālehu Anthony
Timi Gilliom
Tamiko Fernillius
Zane Havens
Nakua Konohia-Lind
Niko Powell
Hina Keala
Kala Thomas
Hye Jung Kim
Trissy Chun
Kaʻai McAfee-Torco, Land Waʻa Captain

We could not have done it without the amazing help from Polynesian Voyaging Society staff Heidi Guth, Ramona Ontiveros, and Mikiala Akiona. Once again, it was an honor and a privilege to serve on the Mālama Honua Worldwide Voyage with each of you.


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Hōkūle‘a’s visit to the eastern United States is a historic milestone in her 40 years of voyaging.

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