Crew Blog: Nakua Konohia-Lind – May 31, 2013

20130531_BI North Coast_Hiki 74

Being on the wa'a is the one place that pushes me to support my culture even more then i already do. Living in the modern day and age where kids are so brain washed by modern technology leaves me frowning because they don't know what they are missing by not getting into their culture.  I know keiki nowadays are so caught up with cell phones and things and they didn't make time to go paddling, fishing or hunting, all the awesome activities we would do. Growing up in Hana Maui and moving to Oahu caused a cultural shock inside of me and made me realize what i had back in my hometown is going to vanish and it is my kuleana to make a difference in my generation by planting the seed in non cultural minds. Hearing similar quotes from Pwo Navigators Nainoa Thompson and Bruce Blankenfeld and also from Captains incorporated in PVS opened my eyes to realize that wow the ocean is dying. SO being on the canoes makes me realize how much i love the beach and the things in it, the reef the fishes the ecosystem we need to Malama. For me the ocean and canoes is like my parents packed with mana'o and filled with love for their 'ohana so if you don't want to lose your aumakuas jump on dis canoe and sail away into the beautiful ocean and Malama Honua.