Expanded 2015 Mālama Honua Sail Plan for Hikianalia: Hawaiʻi, Seattle, San Francisco, and Beyond

We are excited to share that beginning this spring, Hikianalia will add 16,000 miles to her sail, including 13 months in Hawaiʻi where she will bring the Worldwide Voyage closer to students, educators,  and future crew members.   She will then sail to ports along the west coast of the U.S. mainland, including Seattle and San Francisco, before rejoining with Hōkūleʻa in South America.

Hikianalia is an incredible sister vessel to Hōkūle’a and we are very proud of her. As Hōkūle‘a gathers examples of how people mālama honua–take care of our island earth–around the world, Hikianalia will bring these examples home to Hawaiʻi.  She will also gather examples of how kids and adults are practicing mālama honua in communities throughout our island chain.  When Hōkūleʻa and Hikianalia reunite in South America in 2016, they will connect these  children and communities around the globe as we work together towards a more sustainable Island Earth.  Visit our Mālama Honua Stories of Hope Map and add your own story to help build this global network.

We believe Hawai‘i can be a “laboratory of hope” for the world, in astronaut Lacy Veach’s words. Upon Hikianalia’s return to Hawai‘i, we will pay tribute to our special archipelago, and deepen our crew preparation and educational partnerships with training expeditions on 12 Hawaiian Islands.  These expeditions will help us to learn how to care for our incredible islands, and honor communities, classrooms and organizations that are planting seeds of hope for future generations.

We are inspired by the local and international education collaborations that have been established through this voyage, and wholeheartedly support our visionary education partners as they help all students gain the skills and values to be the navigators of a more sustainable future.

We look forward to continuing the journey and sharing updates right here on our website and via social media. Stay tuned as we embark on this new and exciting voyage towards a more sustainable Island Earth.

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