The Polynesian voyaging canoe Hikianalia is on a 2,400 mile return journey from Aotearoa to Hawaii. Crewmembers will be sending frequent updates so that educators and students can track her progress in conjunction with the Worldwide Voyage Tracking Map.

Written by
Brad Wong
Time: Sunrise, April 18, 2015 Muku Moon
Course: Nalani Koolau
Wind: 20-25 Knots
Speed: 6-8 Knots
Weather: Windy, rainy and cold. There were passing squalls all morning, and we tried to dodge them the best we could.
Sea State: Ocean is a little rough although the swells arenʻt very large.
Marine Life: We still see lots of birds even a finch looking smaller bird. A small squid took an unfortunate jump onto the waʻa this morning as well.
Weather today is a complete change from the light winds of the past 2 days, where we were able to play around with all kinds of different sails to see what could get us the best speed and course.

Please help keep us sailing for future generations. All contributions make a difference for our voyage. Mahalo nui loa!