On their second day of the voyage, leg three crewmembers aboard the Hikianalia California Voyage wasted no time jumping into the mix with a full day of canoe tours. Besides visits to the canoe, the crew hosted outreach stations for more than 150 Redondo Beach area students who ranged from kindergarten to high school in age.
Captain Mark Ellis and senior captain Bob Perkins are staying on to lead leg three of the Hikianalia California Voyage while eight fresh crewmembers arrived in mid-October replacing outgoing leg two crewmembers. The team is sailing Hikianalia from Redondo Beach, to Catalina Island, Dana Point, and our final California destination, San Diego where fourth and final leg crewmembers will set sail for Hawaii in mid-November. Leg three crew was selected based on their sailing ability, cultural knowledge, and outreach and education strengths in order support the many public events scheduled through the Southern Californian Coast.