Hōkūleʻa Update | January 14, 2016

Aloha everyone, this is Kekaulike Mar from the deck of Hōkūleʻa. So far, we are about halfway done with Leg 16 of the Worldwide Voyage. We just left St. Helena a few days ago, and are on our way to Ascension Island. Right now, we are averaging 4-5 knots, and Ascension Island is about 685 miles away. Right now, the crew is doing well. Everyone’s in high spirits and good health. Weather has been pretty good too. We’ve had some nice seas and some nice wind with some cloud cover at night. When the stars do come out, we can get our bearings. But for the most part Kaleo is doing an awesome job of navigating. Bruce is doing an awesome job of captaining. And Gary is the best cook ever! Please continue to follow us at Hokulea.com. Aloha!

Bruce BlackWritten by Bruce Black

We have had a full day of sailing with good winds through last night. In the morning, we put up the spinnaker as the winds dropped to 15 mph. Our escort vessel Gershon II also has their big spinnaker flying in the distance. 


We have not seen any birds since departing St. Helena. But the sky has cleared from last night’s light rain squalls that have since passed. We decided to forgo fishing today because we have more than enough from the mahimahi we caught shortly after departing St. Helena. For dinner, we had fried mahimahi with wasabi mayo and capers, and green mahimahi curry over rice.  We also had some tasty banana bread given to us by the St. Helena Port Security. Everyone is in good spirits and healthy. Everyone is sailing well, and we are back to our voyaging routine – eating together  and talking story, reading books, playing music, taking in the beautiful sunrises and sunsets, and enjoying Hōkūleʻaʻs ride.

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