Hōkūleʻa Update | February 13, 2017

Naalehu Anthony

Blog by Nāʻālehu Anthony

Aloha nui kakou,

Sunset Navigation Report, Day 4:

Canoe Speed: 5 Kts
12 hour estimated total: 54 nautical miles S, 36 nautical miles E
Leg estimated total: 306 miles E of Nalani Kona, 383 miles S
Latitude: approximately 8° S

Average: Hema
Range: Initially we headed Haka Kona after sunrise. A line had to be removed from Gershon’s prop, so both vessels stopped and drifted west for approximately an hour.

Speed: 5 kts
Direction: After 12 pm, wind was out of Manu Malanai

Swell direction and height: Ocean state is a lot more distorted than we’ve seen previously. Secondary wave out of Manu Malanai appeared and was aligned with the wind. Southerly wave still prevalent but the southeast wave is becoming dominant.

Cloud type and % cover: 100% cloud cover for the early morning, 75% for the second half. Cumulus in the low level and cirrus clouds in the upper level. Passed through multiple squalls with rain throughout the day.

Temp: mid-70s F
Rig: 17C Jib, 36 triangle main, 41-triangle mizzen.
Birds: Some ʻiwa, koʻaʻe kea.

Latitude fix: None during the day. We will check latitude tonight.

Dinner: Chicken curry with mango chutney, and chocolate chip cookies for dessert.


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