Hōkūleʻa Update | May 1, 2015

Kaleo_WongWritten by Kaleo Wong

Morning Navigation Update:

We passed North Cape, travelling north to go around Three Kings Islands; this is an updated reference course based on current weather conditions.  Our original course was Lā Hoʻolua but now we are travelling along a more northerly track to get up around some weather fronts approaching from the west off of Australia.  Winds are 15-20 mph and there is a big southwest swell, 10-15 feet that was wrapping around Aotearoa.  Overcast skies most of the night, 80% cloud cover, light rain intermittent, threatening squalls but most dissipated before reaching us.  We were visited by a pod of orcas on our port beam around 3am.  We spotted Three Kings Islands around dawn just before sunrise.

Evening Navigation Update: 

This morning we caught four aku that we ate for breakfast and dinner;  scrambled eggs and fried aku for breakfast and aku four ways for dinner: curry, fried, poisson cru, shoyu onion poke ☺.  We had a beautiful day of sailing.  Averaged about 5 kts throughout the day.  Blue skies, fair winds and following seas.  We are still continuing on our northerly track between Haka Hoʻolua and Akau.  We are running both crab claws with a Genoa up front and put up a drifter when the winds go light.  With one full day of sailing the crew are finding their sea legs, spirits are high, excited to be out on the ocean.

Please help keep us sailing for future generations. All contributions make a difference for our voyage. Mahalo nui loa!

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