Hikianalia Approaching Hilo at Sunrise, Nov. 18
A looong gentle night of downwind sailing as we anxiously approached Big Island. First urban glow, then Kumukahi light, then the dark gloom of the island itself – we’re home! Many thanks to all who made this incredible voyage possible.
Voyage Summary:
- Auckland, New Zealand, to Papeete, Tahiti: Oct. 9-Oct.25, 16 days, 2218 nautical miles.
- Papeete, Tahiti (French Polynesia) to Hawai‘i, Nov. 1-Nov. 18, 17 days, 2249 nautical miles.
From the PVS press release, Nov. 17, 2012:
After clearing customs at Hilo Harbor, Hikianalia will make her way to Radio Bay, where Hikianalia and the entire crew will be formally welcomed by the Keaukaha Community Association.
“We expected them in the afternoon, but now that they are arriving in the morning, it will be a quiet welcome,” explained master navigator Chad Kālepa Baybayan, who has co-organized the Hilo reception. “Still, we know the community will come out to see her.”
“It’s been a privilege to bring Hikianalia home to Hawai‘i,” says Captain Bob Perkins. “She will finally meet her sister Hōkūle‘a.”
Hikianalia is expected to sail directly from Hawai‘i Island to O‘ahu next weekend.
For Complete Sail Data and location of Hikianalia in Hilo Bay, see the Hikianalia Tracking Map.