Student Energy Summit

For our youth and educators interested in bettering Hawaiʻi and Island Earth, our friends at Blue Planet are empowering students across the state to take control of their energy future!

blueplanet-1Blue Planet has announced their 2nd Annual Student Energy Summit that will take place on Oahu on November 11 (Friday, Veteran’s Day) through November 12 (Saturday), 2016.

The Summit is a signature event that frames education, conversation and innovation on some of Hawaiʻi’s most pressing energy challenges and opportunities. During the summit, students will put their problem-solving skills into action through a design-thinking challenge. The challenge encourages critical thinking through a variety of lenses, including an understanding of economic and policy dynamics, as well as technological and engineering.

Registration is now open to all middle school and high school students statewide. Travel stipend can be provided on first-come, first-serve basis. The widely successful Student Energy Summit is part of Blue Planet’s Student Energy Innovation & Leadership Academy (SEILA) initiative.

ses16-flierTo learn more, visit Student Energy Summit 2016 Registration or download the following PDF.

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