Crew Blog | Lurline McGregor: Mashpee Canoe Racing July 8, 2016 in Crew Blogs Newsletter Photo Galleries Teachers Worldwide Voyage crewmembers find time for a canoe race on Lake Mashpee.
Crew Blog | Catherine Fuller: From Mau to a Mishoon June 29, 2016 in Crew Blogs Cultural Malama Honua Selects Newsletter Photo Galleries Teachers Forty-one years ago, a small group of men conceived an idea to recreate a Polynesian Read more
Blog | Cat Fuller: Getting Out of the Boxes October 17, 2014 in Crew Blogs I walked into it my first day here and saw boxes literally from floor to ceiling. Wow. A daunting task for us, considering we had more food than boxes to pack it in. Here is where we truly had to find our way.