Hōkūleʻa and Hikianalia departed for "the doldrums" May 13, 2021 in Newsletter Teachers Written by Vance Kaleohano Kahahawai Farrant One of the most amazing things about our sail Read more
Crew Blog | Nāʻālehu Anthony: Almost Home June 5, 2017 in Crew Blogs Hikianalia Updates Newsletter Teachers Updates As the crew faces challenges in the ITCZ, Nāʻālehu reflects on how all crewmembers have grown and changed as a result of the 31 legs of the voyage.
Hōkūleʻa Update | Doldrums May 31, 2017 in Crew Blogs Newsletter Teachers Updates Hōkūleʻa has entered the Doldrums, where they are encountering low and variable winds and rain squalls, plus one fish for dinner!
Update | November 1, 2014 November 1, 2014 in All Updates Photo Galleries Updates Hōkūleʻa and Hikianalia experience a range of weather conditions as they journey farther south to Aotearoa.