Hōkūleʻa Officially Welcomed to Rapa Nui March 6, 2017 in Newsletter Photo Galleries Teachers Updates Crewmembers were greeted Saturday at historic Anakena Beach with food, celebration, and cultural exchange.
Photo Update: Welcome to Rapa Nui March 3, 2017 in Photo Galleries Updates Check out our photos of the Rapa Nui arrival
Rapa Nui Arrival February 27, 2017 in Nav Reports Teachers Updates The crew of Hōkūleʻa arrived safely at Rapa Nui today after sailing for about 16 days across approximately 1,900 nautical miles of deep ocean.
Hōkūleʻa Nav Report | Feb 26, 2017: Rapa Nui Sighted! February 27, 2017 in Nav Reports Teachers Updates This gorgeous sunset update is brought to you by all four of our apprentice navigators.
Hōkūleʻa Update | February 15, 2017: Lehua’s Evening Update February 15, 2017 in Nav Reports Teachers Updates Lehua Kamalu notes that the day was beautiful with consistent winds