Crew Blog | ʻĀina Paikai : The Reward of Fresh Fish March 30, 2017 in Newsletter Photo Galleries Teachers Updates Crewmember ʻĀina Paikai recounts the bountiful catch of fresh fish that has sustained the crew over the last few days on their way to the Marquesas.
Crew Blog | Kekama Helm: Fruits of Labor March 30, 2017 in Newsletter Photo Galleries Teachers Updates Crewmember Kekama Helm describes the generosity he and the rest of the crew encountered in the small community on Pitcairn Island.
Crew Blog | Keoni Kuoha: Taka and His Lineal Knowledge March 29, 2017 in Newsletter Photo Galleries Teachers Updates In Rapa Nui, Keoni Kuoha met Taka Hei, an accomplished fisher who learned his craft from his family's long lineal line of fishers.
Crew Blog | Keoni Kuoha: Learning and Knowing March 28, 2017 in Newsletter Photo Galleries Teachers Updates Crewmember Keoni Kuoha reflects on how different forms of learning and knowledge frame how we see and interact with the world.
Reef Guardians August 18, 2015 in Malama Honua Selects Newsletter Teachers Video Stories Wordwide Voyage crewmembers visit a Reef Guardian school where students learn by preserving the Great Barrier Reef.