From the crew on board Hikianalia going to Tahiti, and Hōkūleʻa going to Australia, we would like to send out the biggest mahalo to the New World ʻohana for their hard work.
After being on land for almost a year, Te Aurere is touched by the healing hands of the Worldwide Voyage crew whose mission of Mālama Honua lead them straight to her. A project that would allow them to honor the kauri trees and their ʻohana waʻa of Aotearoa.
At the end of every day as we sit in our crew van just before leaving the Hōkūleʻa, Uncle Bruce runs down our day's to-do list. We check off what we accomplished and what we are still working on. Smiles for knowing we are taking care of our waʻa Hōkūleʻa.
As their mālama honua journey throughout the Pacific comes to a close the crews made time to mālama the waʻa that have sustained them – over 3,500 miles thus far!