Crew Blog | Rick Kilbride: The Relay August 11, 2016 in Crew Blogs Newsletter Teachers "As I observed it and participated in some of it, I became aware that a marathon is not what this voyage is. It’s a relay."
Hōkūleʻa Update | July 27, 2016 July 28, 2016 in Education Newsletter Photo Galleries Teachers Updates The Leg 22 crew takes in the beauty and solitude of Mt. Desert, Maine as they prep Hōkūleʻa for the upcoming voyage to Nova Scotia.
Crew Blog | Michelle Knoetgen: An Island Repurposed July 27, 2016 in Crew Blogs Education Environment Malama Honua Selects Newsletter Photo Galleries Teachers Crewmember Michelle Knoetgen describes their visit to Hurricane Island, once an abandonment granite quarry, now a center for sustainability and education.
Crew Blog | Michelle Knoetgen: Island As An Anchored Ship July 25, 2016 in Crew Blogs Education Environment Malama Honua Selects Newsletter Photo Galleries Teachers The gorgeous Isles of Shoals reminds crewmembers of protecting and stewarding the finite resources in the Hawaiian islands.