Kia ora! This is Linda Furuto coming to you from the deck of Hikianalia. We are docked outside the Maritime Museum in Auckland, Aotearoa. Our hearts are filled with so much gratitude for the opportunity to be here. From the shores of Hawaiʻi to Aotearoa, we believe that education is the future for our world, and through mālama honua, caring for our Island Earth, we’ll be able to touch the shores, the schools, the minds, and hearts of our young children in the next generation.
On that note, I have a couple updates for you. The crew that is currently here on Hikianalia are educators from across Hawaiʻi, from Kauaʻi to Hawaiʻi Island to Alaska. This month, we’re going to be engaging in a whole month of educational outreach from canoe tours with schools and principals, to community days, which is what we will be doing this coming Saturday at the Maritime Museum. We will have star compass demonstrations, outreach stations, science experiments, and informational booths about life on the canoe and land as well. The other part of our ʻohana is working on Hōkūleʻa in drydock and making sure Hōkūleʻa is ready to go from Aotearoa to Australia next month. Mahalo nui for all of your love and aloha and for all the different ways that you mālama honua. We invite you to track and follow the Worldwide Voyage at Aloha!