Leg 5: Samoa to Aotearoa
< Leg 6: Waitangi to Auckland
< 2014 Aotearoa
Hōkūleʻa and Hikianalia arrived in Aotearoa in November, with a celebration for the arrival in Waitangi. The arrival of the canoes to the region commemorated nearly thirty years since Hōkūleʻa’s first voyaged to Waitangi in 1985. In Waitangi, Māori elders are known to trace back the genealogy of all Māori people in Aotearoa to five voyaging canoes. Upon Hōkūleʻa’s arrival in 1985, Māori leaders recognized Hōkūle‘a as the sixth canoe carrying the sixth tribe, connecting the crew to the Māori people. As a celebration of the last voyage to Aotearoa and the current voyage, this leg of the Mālama Honua voyage celebrated the theme, “Nā Waka: A Tribe Returning Home.”
Crewmember Roster
Stories, Blogs, and Galleries from this Leg:
More from this voyage legCrew Blog | Pomai Bertelmann: Time for a Cool Change
In one breath, we are reminded that we are kanaka honua. men of the land, and that there is a point after our time on the ocean when we must return home.Update | Opua School Visit
Crewmembers learn how students at Opua School in Aotearoa mālama honua through their award-winning gardens.Photo Gallery | Hōkūleʻa and Hikianalia Welcomed to Waitangi
Nearly 30 years after her first arrival, Hōkūleʻa returns to Waitangi, Aotearoa as the sixth tribe of Tai Tokerau.Update | Waiting for Waitangi
inUpdatesHōkūleʻa Watch Captain Pōmai Bertlemann provides an update on the crew and canoes as they prepare for the Waitangi ceremony on November 15, 2014.