World Oceans Day Message from Hōkūleʻa

Aina PaikaiWritten by Haunani Kane

Aloha. This is Haunani Kane. Happy World Oceans Day from the deck of Hōkūleʻa, our traditional Polynesian voyaging canoe. We’re here off the east coast of Australia on our way to the Great Barrier Reef, the worlds largest coral reef ecosystem!

Our voyage is called Mālama Honua, which means “caring for our earth” – it is about creating balance and harmony with our surroundings. We are voyaging around the world to learn and share stories of how people like you are working to navigate our world towards a better destination by caring for your waters, land, people, and communities.

We would love to hear from you how you and your community are working to create positive change in ways big and small. We’ll share these stories on our website through our Mālama Honua Map, where we illustrate and celebrate efforts around the world. Share with us how you care for your place by visiting and sharing your Mālama Honua story. Aloha

Please help keep us sailing for future generations. All contributions make a difference for our voyage. Mahalo nui loa!

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