Aloha, this is Bruce Blankenfeld from the deck of Hōkūleʻa on the Indian Ocean. This is our update for Sunday, September 6th 2015. Here is our estimated position in the Indian Ocean: from a reference course that started in Cocos Keeling our last stop, all the way to Mauritius, our destination. We had a reference course of Lā Kona or 11 and a quarter degrees south of west. Based on our estimates, we’re 1,387 miles along the reference course, but about 49 miles south of it, based on the winds that we’re getting. Our biggest challenge now is changing weather. The last three nights have been 100% overcast, so for the most part, we’re steering by the wind and the swells. But the swells have been hard to read so mostly by the wind. In the morning, we’ve been seeing some wind shifts. So it forced us to recalculate and estimate, but we feel we’re doing well. So with the estimate of 1,387 miles, we’re less than 1,000 miles from our destination. Currently doing really well, we got the wind out of the south a little bit and so it’s going to be another night of sailing by the wind, unless we’re blessed with a few stars. So that’s our challenge and our crew is doing exceptionally well, they’ve been really focused and steering well, all throughout the day and throughout the night, when they’re on watch. That’s been a huge benefit to the voyage and our effort. So just want to thank you guys for following us on Mahalo nui!