This is Bruce Blankenfeld from the deck of Hōkūleʻa anchored off of Direction Island and Coco’s Keeling out here on the Indian Ocean. We’re getting ready to depart and our destination is Mauritius, 2,300 miles away. Our expected course is going to be a little south of west. So it’s actually going to be Lā Kona, that’s the course that we’re going to hold for the next 16+ days until we get to Mauritius. The weather we’re expecting are like the south east trades, so looking at the wind, it’s probably from the east, south east, or the south east prevailing throughout this course. Probably when we start out of here, for the next week or so, probably get a nice breeze between 15 to 20 knots. That’s beautiful sailing: following seas, which is the ideal thing for sailors. Possibly along the line, it could weaken a bit, the wind, or strengthen, who knows, but the predominant direction would be from the east southeast to southeast. And that’s what we’re looking at so, thank you for following us and stay with us on