How Do You Mālama Honua?

The Mālama Honua Movement

Mālama Honua is simply translated as “to care for our Island Earth”, but the Hawaiian language is beautiful and complex. Mālama Honua means to take care of and protect everything that makes up our world: land, oceans, living beings, our cultures, and our communities. It means learning from the lessons of islanders to take care of your limited resources, as though you were living on a canoe in the open ocean or an island in the middle of the sea. On a canoe, water, food, plants, and other basic needs are in limited supply and are tended to with great care; so too we must tend to our resources on islands, and for all of Island Earth.

As we voyage around the world, we are discovering and sharing stories of hope that help us understand how indigenous and local wisdom can guide us in solving some of the greatest challenges we face as a global society today. Stories from our canoes and crew are marked with our blue and red Hōkūleʻa logo, while stories shared by supporters like you are marked with a green Hōkūleʻa logo. How do you Mālama Honua? Share with us an inspiring story, website or project in the form at the bottom of the page.

How do you Mālama Honua?

Mālama Honua means to care for our Island Earth. Mālama Honua is the foundational value that is driving the Worldwide Voyage and it is allowing us to connect and learn from communities and cultures across the globe. Add your message to the map below by sharing a story of a person, place, or community that can inspire us all to care for our environment – our Island Earth.